Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thing 12

Wikis could be used to update our changing procedures. For instance, we are currently switching our copy/print procedures to one holy Slug Card. We have two process map binders, one at the Circulation Desk and another on the first floor, that need to be checked monthly for changes in our procedures. This is a rotating task between three people. If we had a wiki, not only would it be easier to repeatedly edit and update our procedures, it would also be as though we had a procedural binder at every computer (very helpful for the front desk). Who knows.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thing 11

Whoosh....That was the sound of me whizzing through the Library Things to catch up. I love this thing, it's great for book recommendations and reviews. I like seeing what other people have to say about some of the books that I have also read, to an extent, so that is helpful. I was a little shocked when I read some of the reviews for Anne Tyler's "Accidental Tourist". I really like this book, I can relate with Macon quite a bit, but I'm definitely not "laughing out loud" when I read this. Hmmm, now I wish I hadn't read the reviews. Something must be wrong with me. Maybe my sister was right when she said that I was in a 'special' 2nd grade class. Nooo!

Thing 10

Wow, this really did work. My blog popped up #1 when I searched for "topic/project" and "pretty neat" from my last blog post using Technorati. I'm going to test it again for my next blog:

Test 1:
peanuts and yummy creaminess
Test 2:
Deirdre and lame

But this is really helpful, good search engine.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thing #9 is pretty neat. This really does make it easier to have your usual links right at hand. As for libraries and research in general, I could see where one could create multiple accounts and have each one assigned to a specific project/topic, or maybe not. It definitely organizes accessing online materials and the fact that you can access your bookmarks from any computer is pretty helpful.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mysterious #6

Number 6 is done. I looked through the 'social networking' sites a bit. I had and have a myspace, it's fine. You can keep in touch with old friends, new friends or even stalk someone. Fantastic. It's a little silly to have a myspace, but it seems like everybody does. I am a lemming. It's A-OK I guess.